I admit for a long time, I've wondered what my testimony was or even if I had one. Everyone needs to find out for themselves what they truly believe and that's what should be life's motivation. Our testimony is what we feel in our hearts and is a continual process of building. Just like a ladder, a testimony increases as you move upwards-or towards God. Our tesimony can increase in many diverse ways-the most influental in learning of our Savior Jesus Christ. Studying the scriptures such as the Bible and the Book of Mormon are great ways to understand and know Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. The only way to truly understand something is to immerse yourself in it. For example, if I want to learn a language, the best way to learn and understand it is by immersing myself in a society where I'm always around it. The same is with testimony. The only way to truly gain a testimony is to immerse yourself in circumstances that influence it all the time. It may seem difficult but opportunities are everywhere-in service, charity, scripture study, prayer etc... The last way to increase our testimony is through challenges we face. Remember, there is no
testimony without the
test. Though life sure knows how to knock us down, through our Savior and loving Father in Heaven we can get back up and doing so will increase are want to be near to them, and thus, increasing our testimony.
I want to end by sharing my testimony. I know the Jesus Christ is our brother and the Only Begotten of the Father. I know by through Him, I can live with them and my family forever. Time and time again I am reminded that this is the True church and nothing can change me. I am so blessed to be a part of the great gospel and feel so blessed to grow from it. I love my family and know they are here to help me throughout life and all eternity. I know the Book of Mormon is true. As I read it, I'm reminded through the spirit of how great it really is.
Feel free anyone to share your testimony and thoughts here. The last way to increase the testimony is to share it.
Hey, Ben,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your testimony. I love the part about the test in testimony. I had never thought about it that way, but it goes along with "Prove me now herewith . . ." Good insight, Elder Preisendorf. I personally know that God lives and that He answers ALL our prayers. He's answered everyone of mine, sometimes in miraculous ways. I know He loves us and that the gospel plan is what He's given us so that we can really be happy. I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost and the witness I've received of the Book of Mormon and of prophets and apostles in this day. We are so blessed to have such good men as our examples, men who emulate the Savior, especially in how they view and treat women as noble daughters of God, especially their wives, without whom they could never make it. We are so blessed to have the gospel and to know that, no matter what, if we sincerely repent, the Atonement has the power to change us for the better. Love you!
I have a testimony to share with you.
ReplyDeleteI join the Church when I was 16 & I was active for several years. My family & I moved to Orem, Utah in 1968 & in 1973 when I left Utah; I left the Church too. Over the years, I let certain things get me & I took on the spirit of offence & allowed it to rob me of my testimony. This past fall, the Lord led me back to the Church. I am going to be baptized in Church soon.
Several months ago, a brother in our home ward, brought to my attention that I had may have left the Church, but the Church never left me. I can testify how true this is. What I am about to tell you took place 37 years ago & to be honest I forgot all about it, until Our Heavenly Father brought it to my attention yesterday. In my daily readings, I have been reading two chapters a day in The Book of Mormon. I am presently reading the Book of Alma. Yesterday I was reading Alma 37 and it is about “secret oaths & covenants. As I was reading it, the Lord brought to my remembrance the following incident. It took place in the fall of 1976, when I was attending Niagara University. It was the week for the students to join various clubs on campus. I decided to join the “Knight’s of Columbus”. The Knight’s of Columbus is a secret society in the Catholic Church were you take certain oaths & make certain covenants. It would have been a benefit for me to join them as a good Catholic because I can use it as tool for advancement in the business world or as a priest. In order to join, I had to meet in secret place in one of the dorm rooms & it was at night. The room was pitch black & I couldn’t see anything. One of the guys led me to a chair and as I sat there in the dark, and then they shined a flashlight in my face as they interviewed me. They asked me a few questions about Catholic doctrines & about taking an oath to the pope. As I was being interviewed the Lord brought to my remembrance about secret societies that I read in the Book of Mormon when first join the Church. As I thought about it, I was beginning to feel uncomfortable & I couldn’t wait for the interview to end. When interview was done, they told me that they would get back to me & let me know if I passed the interview. In a couple days, I found out, that I was accepted, but I decline it. My roommate at that time asked me why I didn’t join the Knights of Columbus. I told him, it was because it was secret society & I felt uncomfortable about it. He thought I was a fool for declining the offer, but I was at peace.
So as I read that chapter, I was rejoicing & thanking Our Heavenly Father that way back then, He brought that to my knowledge so I wouldn’t make an even bigger mistake by taking those secret vows. Plus it was more of evidence to me that foundation of the Church was still planted deeply in my heart & soul. I am grateful for God’s mercy, even in my rebellious days. I know this Church to be true & that The Book of Mormon is the Word of God. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet & Pres. Monson is our prophet today. I say these things in Jesus’ name. Amen!
You are the man Ben, I love you and am grateful for your decision to serve the Lord... Thank you.. your dad